
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pope & his unwarranted comments?

It was a simple reference of a discussion from history but it stirred the hornet's nest!!! Yep - Am talking of the recent controversy surrounding the pope's comments.

The version coming from the Vatican says that it was a plain reference to the Byzantine Emperor's discussion and that was not Pope's opinion in particular. Quite likely! Quite likely that he indeed referred and didnot mean any of it. In which case, a person as honourable as the pope - who represents a religion should be doubly careful regarding what he quotes. Obviously the world is watching him. He should be role modelling christianity in true terms - and hence preaching tolerance to other's beliefs & sentiments. However, the ones who look at the full text say that this piece of reference if looked out of context might seem misfit but in context it is indeed not out of place.

And regarding those who got hurt by these comments, I don't think they should be bothered about what one person says or feels about Islam. One follows Islam because he believes in the religion. If somebody else sees something wrong with it or says something wrong...that is not making the religion and the beliefs less powerful. It remains as powerful as it was before and will continue to be so. After all the Pope is another person and this is just his opinion..Err reference to be politically correct. Why can't it be ignored??It certainly doesnot warrant killing of an innocent, humanitarian nun. She was doing true service in Somalia and is that what she deserved? And why is she paying for someone else's mistake? I am not an authority to comment about Islam but I do respect the religion enough to believe that it certainly wouldnot warrant killing of an innocent lady who did nothing but service to the mankind!! Religion is a way of life and should not be a reason to end one's life. PERIOD.

Now that Pope is doing a massive damage control operation, maybe he will be forgiven for what he referred and things will be back to normal. Maybe not. In any case, a precious life is lost and for absolutely no reason.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Bangalore Metro rail - Well..?

For all those who have been waiting for this Metro rail...there seems to be no end for the wait & also the ways this money is being spent...

Latest, officials in the name of studying the Metro & Monorail in China, Malysia & Thailand are getting to go on exotic trips rather vacations at the taxpayers behest!!!! 10 days is the duration......More @ bangalorebuzz!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

LonelyGirl15 & her claim to Fame

I have been reading so much about this LonelyGirl15's videos on youtube and her popularity that I decided to go have a peek at it. This to determine, what is making the world go gaga-googoo over this video series followed by much ado regarding the fakeness of it. There got to be something...or else why would so many people wait desperately for a next video in that...ain't it?

The intros before we get into the details. Well, on May 2006, there started a vid blog on Doesnot sound exciting enough...Nothing ground breaking..Isn't it? The vid was uploaded by a girl called Bree with userid lonelygirl15. Supposedly she is a 15 year old girl who is having tough time, dealing with her parents and her boyfriend Daniel with userid danielbeast. The girl shot the video with a webcam setup by her geeky boyfriend is what she claims. Now one video followed another...and soon people were waiting for the next vid post of lonelygirl15. Also, there were so many mysterious things portrayed in those vids that all kind of analysis started about what the real life of the girl would be like....what are the ceremonies the girl talks of....and so a whole bunch of people got tuned in to this.

Not to ignore the way the videos were taken. There obviously is a professionalism to those videos. It certainly does not seem like an amateur teenager's video. And there were people who believed it was fake and was setup and others who believed that all this was true!!!! Check out one of the videos yourself.....:) The vidblog got so popular that people started going into the roots of it.....A bunch of the fans set up a sting operation to find out who this girl really was....And Lo!!!It turned out to be indeed an organized show with some media persons involved in the show and not her geeky boyfriend!!!!This entire lonelygirl15 episode is fiction!!!!!! And this Bree aka lonelygirl15 is an actress from NewZealand who was aspiring to make it big. And she did make it big.....for now offers are going to flood her anyways..thanks to her popularity as lonelygirl15!!!!

But if we want to analyse what is it that made it so it the in this is the first time(I guess so?) that a real life kinda drama/episode uses blogging as the medium? Would it have been the same if it were in TV?In newspaper? In magazine?What I am trying to say is that perhaps, it is not the story that is important here....but the use of the medium itself!!!

With vid blogging picking up, this can be termed as an experiment. An experiment that ended up perhaps proving the point that the "Internet" is not yet fully tapped. There are still many more ways of using internet to have people hooked onto it. Perhaps the ones that are smart enough, realize this and make money and the rest just witness it happening!!!! More from the creators itself about this vidblog(or can we call it a show now?) here.

However, the thing that still baffles me is how could people believe that all of this could be true from the begining!!!! Or maybe the fact that I watched the videos after it's fakeness got proved is making me say that. There seems to be a big controversy of whether it is fake or not from the intial stages till its proved with evidence now. A more organized article about this here.

And now coming to the topic of how people receive this story of this whole episode being fiction. Obviosly nobody likes to be lied to...though they all would lie themselves...:p The commotion seems to be that how can they have a show run as a blog and fool people and later say it was all fiction......need to wait & watch for more updates......

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Of Design patterns & Software Engineering

Well...perhaps am the wrong person to write about this. Or perhaps I am the right person to write about much for being a software engineer. How can I not write about Software (atleast once in a while)...?

Anytime, u read/refresh GoF(it's not Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire but the Gang of Four I am referring to) design patterns(that sort of shows I have been reading of prizes for guessing this :D) you wonder if this is only a piece of common sense or something more great?

Common sense because most of it looks simple enough but great because of the comprehensiveness & completeness associated. Imagine yourself assigned the task of identifying the mosty commonly used software tasks so that those tasks can be built for reuse. Given that the design patterns has become pretty much popular, it sounds simpler...doesn't it? I am sure, I would have come up with a bunch of things......more than what GoF suggests or club many of them together, say get away with the Abstract Factory, so on & so forth. Not sure if mine would have been exhaustive. Well that's what distinguishes me from them..........:)

Perhaps what is great about design patterns is not just knowing them but using them as a matter of practice. Using them in the sense of building code/modules in real life based on those.
Most of the people I met used a couple , may be few but none till now who built all those. No brickbats blaming my circle for this......and once again Hail GoF!!